Ships & Harbors

The Seaside City is opening up a new chapter in its history. The Harbor Worlds Bremerhaven (Havenwelten Bremerhaven) are being built in the city at the River Weser dyke, a maritime tourism resort with unique attractions: Climate Experience Center Bremerhaven, look-out platform SAIL City, "Mein Outlet & Shopping-Center", Lloyd Marina, living at the dyke.

Not to mention the successful German Emigration Center, the Zoo at the Sea, the German Maritime Museum, the submarine “Wilhelm Bauer” and the Historical Museum Bremerhaven.

The following keywords were given for this article

A sailing ship on a cruise, in the background a container terminal.

Tours & Excursions

Harbor area with marina and houses.

Museums & Adventure Worlds

Many historic ships lie in a harbor.

Ships & Harbors

People stand in a beach area, in the background a dyke promenade.

Travel Offers

Coming soon in Bremerhaven

Guided Tour & Trip Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven
Guided Tour & Trip Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum (DSM)