Maritime Days 2024

Big happenings from 14th - 18th August 2024

The summer in Bremerhaven belongs again to the sailors, music fans and connoisseurs, because from August 14 to 18, the "Maritime Days" are celebrated. Ships are the main attractions, and there will also be open ships again.
Welcome to the maritime city of Bremerhaven! Welcome to the "Maritime Days 2024"!

Flyer Maritime Days 2024(PDF 3.6 MB)Logo of the Creative Commons License »Creative Commons Universal 1.0 - No Copyright« (CC 0 1.0)

Cruises to the "Maritime Days 2024"

Music cruise with the MS "Geestemünde" to the fireworks display at the "Maritime Days 2024"

Sailing trip with the "Adler von Krautsand" to the "Maritime Days 2024"

Speedboat safari for the "Maritime Days 2024"

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Erlebnis Bremerhaven GmbH
Bremerhaven Touristik & Tourist-Infos
H.-H.-Meier-Straße 6
27568 Bremerhaven


 0471 - 41 41 41
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